
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What Missions Looks Like

Jesus gave His followers their marching orders: to be His Messengers through the power of the Holy Spirit.   And then he got specific: ".... go to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces—even to the remotest places on earth!”     "....preach openly the wonderful news of the gospel (Good News) to the entire human race." (Acts 1:8. & Mark 16:15 TPT)

Our mission field is wherever we are.  Look down at your feet. You are standing in your mission field!!

What a joy it has been to serve on a Short Term Mission Team at the Los Angeles Dream Center.  The love of Jesus, combined with practical help, is poured into the lives of literally thousands of people each week. It is an ongoing miracle of God's provision and faithful servants. 

I encourage you to watch the Night of Dreams Virtual Gala this Wednesday October 14th.  Simply follow this link to sign up,  watch and pray. It will encourage your heart to see what God is doing. 

Here's a pictorial overview of our week of service:

Food Trucks deliver fresh produce, dairy, meat, non-perishables and love to 21 communities each week.  

Restart: provides an outdoor classroom, Wi-Fi, laptops, breakfast & lunch plus hands on help as children & parents figure out online school. 

May you find a place of service that brings joy to your heart - wherever your journey takes you!  Pat

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Look Both Ways

'Look both ways before crossing the street, then proceed when it is safe to do so.'  Taught to children for their safety and protection,  this familiar refrain echoes in my mind when crossing a road or street.  Don’t run out without looking; without really seeing and paying attention.

So it is with God.  He gives us direction and instruction – it is our choice to listen when we hear His voice.

“.. yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher.  And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Isaiah 30:20b-21 ESV

God’s direction to Gary and I has always been "GO”.  But what if we can’t go to the places we normally would?  Like right now with most of the world shut down because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Our hearts long to go – but our plans seem to be restricted.

Our ministry partners are continuing the work God has called each of them to in their home country.  Because of your love, prayers and generous gifts we continue to support their work in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Thailand, India, and Myanmar.  

But what about us?  Look both ways.  Look behind – to where we have been.  Look forward to what God has.  Look around – where can we go?

Just 283 miles from our home in Las Vegas, in the city of Los Angeles, California, is an amazing mission work called The Dream Center.    

Their declared purpose is “… to connect broken people to a community of support by providing free resources and services that address immediate and long-term needs in the areas of homelessness, hunger, poverty, addiction, abuse, education and human trafficking.”

I have the privilege to 'GO' by joining a team from River of Life in East Missoula, Montana. We’ll be in the Echo Park Neighborhood of  Los Angeles Monday October 5th through Saturday October 10th. Volunteering to serve wherever they need us.  (It’s an extra personal bonus that my sister and her husband, their daughter and son-in-law, and our friend Josh are all part of this team.) 

Please keep our Dream Center team in prayer.  I expect my heart to be broken when it is exposed to hurting lives. I expect my heart to be strengthened as we are able to share the love of Jesus in practical ways that make a difference in lives that long for hope and joy.  

Gary will be holding down the fort at home, and sharing the Word at Meadows Fellowship on Wednesday evening October 14th. (live and in person)

The Journey Continues ~ Pat

The Dream Center, Echo Park
Los Angeles, California