
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Welcome Home - back in America

Upon arrival into the United States, all persons regardless of their citizenship, are required to go through US Immigration, collect their baggage, then go through US Customs.

When we returned to the United States last week – we simply presented our passports, which the Immigration official scanned, stamped and handed back to us with a poignant greeting “Welcome Home”.

Our customs form read ‘Nothing to Declare’. We handed it the officer and walked out to the warm embrace of friends at the arrival gate in Las Vegas. 

God is a lot like that US Immigration Official.   It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away, where you’ve travelled, how tired and dirty you are – when you return, He simply stamps you with His love, puts His arms around you and says, “Welcome Home Child”.

Then we have the opportunity to declare and surrender all those things that we shouldn’t be carrying around – fear, hurt, discouragement, worry, habits, indifference.

Surrender them to Jesus – He’s like the Customs Officer for heart matters. He’ll take them and dispose of them properly. Imagine how much less baggage you’ll have to carry around.  How much lighter your heart will feel. 

We’re officially back in Las Vegas for the next two months.  Although it’s been our home for many years, somehow it no longer feels like ‘home’ – our hearts have been transplanted and taken root in India.

What's ahead for us?  August will find us enjoying Montana's big-skies and cool summer days, reconnecting with friends and families and sharing at our partner churches.  We'll share that schedule soon. 

Plans are to return to India by early October.  Our cozy flat is waiting for us.

We're often asked, 'What does it feel like to be back home in the United States?'    It's good to be back and we definitely feel loved and warmly welcomed by all our friends and supporters.  

Morning walks in our Las Vegas neighborhood feel  'sanitized' without the dust, garbage, cows, cowpies or stray dogs. 

Thank you for sharing our journey as we continue with God.   ~ Pat

Be prepared to be challenged and blessed as you listen to Gary's recent teaching. "How Do I Smell?"

Have you read our book?  Click the image for more info or to order from 

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