Looking back over the past year - our hearts simply overflow with gratitude.
- To you for your loving support demonstrated through prayer, giving and words of encouragement.
- To the Lord for the amazing opportunities He has given us to share His love with the nations
Please take time to look through some of our 2018 Journal posts - the faces of the people you have helped through your support will capture your heart - and say more than words ever can.
This Christmas we are excited to present three specific outreach areas that we personally work with:
- Each one is a grass-roots volunteer-based outreach to "the least of these"
- All specified donations will go directly to ministry outreaches
- Please review the flyer below, and consider making a donation in honor of someone you love
Remember that you can support Greater Works at no extra cost to you
- by shopping at Smile.Amazon.com and choose Greater Works Unlimited as your charity
The easiest way to do this is:
- log into your Amazon account as usual.
- then click on this link and follow it through to support Greater Works Unlimited.
May your Thanksgiving be blessed with the richness of our Lord's presence.
With Love and Gratitude - Gary and Pat