Thursday, November 17, 2022

Faithful God

One of my favorite songs is "Goodness of  God".  The words of the chorus resonate with my heart and bring me to tears: 
All my life You have been faithful
All my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
I will sing of the goodness of God.

In October, I celebrated a milestone birthday.  Looking back over 60 years of this amazing life God has blessed me with, I am overwhelmed with His great faithfulness. 

There have been challenges, heartache, disappointments and loss of loved ones. There have been victories, joys, precious relationships, and great adventures with God.  Each of you reading this is part of my great adventure.  However our lives have connected, whenever and wherever our paths crossed, thank you for being part of my life.

INDIA 2023
The journey continues as we prepare for our first overseas mission trip in three years - India 2023!  Gary and I will be travelling to India on January 23, 2023 for four months of ministry.  Airplane tickets have been purchased - which makes it official.

It's a blessing to stay in contact with our ministry partners and see the fruit of their labors for the Lord during our three years in the states.

God's Word is being preached, people are giving their hearts to Jesus and being baptized in water, children are being tutored in school work, and taught about Jesus; the love of Jesus is shown through food distributions, eye clinics, and in towns and villages. 

During this season of Thanksgiving and throughout the year, Gary and I want you to know how grateful we are for you. Your love, prayers, support, every encouraging word - are precious to us. 

May you experience the faithfulness of God in every area of your life. The Journey Continues ~ Pat

Here are just a few photos from our partners in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand,  Myanmar and  India. 

Are you shopping online this year? You can support Greater Works at no extra cost to you - by shopping at and choosing Greater Works Unlimited as your charity.  Amazon donates a portion of their profits!  

The easiest way to get started is: a) log into your Amazon account as usual. b) click this link and follow it through to support Greater Works Unlimited.  This setting will be part of your account until you change it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Montana Reflections

Each return to Montana's Bitterroot Valley increases our sense of home and belonging.  There is a comfortable sense of knowing this place, and yet not knowing what new wonders await discovery.  Changeless - yet always changing.   Revealed - yet never fully known. 

Our recent visit was so encouraging.  We were able to reconnect with family, friends, and the beauty that is Montana.   The weather was perfect, the air was clear (no forest fires), we were well-fed, and well-loved.  We so appreciate the Pastors and churches that invited us to share the Word of God and what He is doing around the world - whether we can physically travel or not. Thank you to each of you!

Gary has been teaching on 'Living With Expectancy.'  Here are a couple of pithy quotes to whet your appetite:

'Expectancy is not wishful thinking or lustful desires.  It is based on God's Word and character.' Gary Richards

"Our asking, our thinking, our praying, are too small.  Our expectations are too limited." A.B. Simpson

 Here's a link to his message, as shared at Meadows Fellowship.  

There is an expectancy in our hearts.  We are praying and believing that we will be going overseas in the beginning of 2023.  Please agree with us in prayer as we seek the Lord for what that looks like and where He is sending us.

Your love, prayers and support is what makes this journey possible - we hope you will continue to pursue your Journey with God, with a Spirit of Expectancy.
Blessings -  Gary and Pat

Hungry Hearts at Youth Camp

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Montana Schedule Changes

What a treat to spend time in cool, green Montana with our friends and family, sharing the love of Jesus as we minister His Word.

The Lord showed up at The Place Youth meeting.  Seeing the hunger in their hearts for more of God, for the truth of His Word, shows that God is moving in a generation of young people growing up in a world filled with turmoil. 

There are a couple changes to our ministry schedule.  If you are in Montana and can join us, here's our updated schedule with the changes underlined.

Where ever your path takes you today - know that the presence of Almighty God is with you - you never walk alone.

Blessings - Gary and Pat

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Montana Bound

 Hi Everyone!

Summer is here and that means one thing - we are returning to Montana!

Montana is where we met at Bible School, got married and started in ministry over 40 years ago. We lived there for 10 years before moving to Las Vegas.

It is such a treat to get back to "Big Sky Country" and enjoy the beauty of the Bitterroot Valley.  It will be a time of ministry and visiting with friends and family.  We'll be in Montana from June 10th until July 25th.

There are still a few open dates on our calendar; if you or your church would like to have us speak - please send an e-mail to

Here's our ministry schedule so far. Visit the links for the the specific church or ministry to check for  changes and updates on locations and times.
Thank You for faithfully standing with us through your prayers and financial gifts as we walk out the destiny the Lord has set before us.  Words can never express  how important you are to us.

Our continual prayer for you is that our Heavenly Father will give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation of Him and that you would be continually overwhelmed by His goodness and love towards you!

Blessings - Gary & Pat

Enjoy more Montana scenes at Thanks Cyndy for sharing your talent.



Tuesday, April 12, 2022

A Time For Harvest

May God be gracious to us and bless us 
and make his face to shine upon us, 
that your way may be known on earth,
your saving power among all nations.
let all the peoples praise you!" Psalm 67:1-3  ESV

Although war is in front of our eyes, God's declaration is: 'Its not time for war but its time for HARVEST!'

Pat and I are receiving tremendous reports from our Partners in  Southeast Asia.  People are open to the Gospel. Rejoice as we share these praise reports with you.

From Cambodia our pastor reports, 'God is working amazingly!  God has healed many people and delivered many that were demon possessed.  Now the whole community is turning to Jesus.  Lots of people are waiting for me and my church planters to come back. We did baptism for 15 families and 10 more families want to get baptized. God is doing miracles and many are wanting to hear about Jesus. Praise God for your financial help.  The harvest is ready to reap.  Thank you everyone for their help and prayers.'

From Myanmar, after two months of silence, they report "We are safe at this time, even though there is fighting in the hills around us. We are planning to have a seminar to share the gospel to the youth during April. Please pray for their salvation."  (Read our previous report on Myanmary's military takeover)

From India, our Partners are continuing Gospel outreaches to villages and neighborhoods. Children receive help with school work and Bible teaching.  New outreach has begun in an area where the people are all unbelievers. An outdoor meeting was planned, but was strongly opposed by the BJP (the current radical Hindu ruling party) so they rented a hall to hold meetings. 

From Sri Lanka, government curfews, shortages of food, electricity and cooking oil (gas) affect life for everyone, especially the poor.   Our Partners recently held an eye clinic and are distributing food to many families.  Sharing the love of Jesus, as they encourage, pray, and bring hope.   

It's harvest time.  "So let's not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9 NLT

People need hope.  People need Jesus.  Be encouraged.  Reach out and share Jesus love and hope with those in your circle of influence.   You are a blessing to us, and to many around the world.   

Blessings ~ Gary & Pat