Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 4: Panama Eye Clinic & Bibile Revisited

The day started with a beautiful sunrise at Hotel Lions Nature, woken by meowing peacocks (honest.. listen here).  

It was about a 2 hour drive to Panama - right on the coast, and famous for windsailing competitions.   The eye clinic started about 10 am.  We saw 50 people and gave out 43 pair of glasses.  Several traffic police officers came for exams and glasses.  While they might have afforded to get glasses on their own, the goodwill engendered is valuable.

In Panama the Buddhist Temple had previously held an eye clinic and charged RS 650 to register, then told some people their glasses would cost much more, up to RS 1,000 or more.  While just US $5 - $10, for village people and subsistence farmers, this amount is unmanageable.

Saturday we revisited Bibile to provide eye exams to the 50 people who had been waiting in line when we closed last week.   They all received a phone call, and showed up bright and early.  We saw a total of 58 people, and gave out 57 pair of glasses.

Our hearts are grateful that with your love, prayers, and support, we are able to touch these lives in such a needed way, knowing they will remember the love of Jesus each time they use their glasses.  

More to come as we wrap up our time in Sri Lanka ~ Pat

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