Tuesday morning, we were delighted to join the
morning chapel singing and storytime at Adara Sevana, a local privately funded
school for the differently-able. We noticed a significant change of increased calm
and joy in several of the young people who were noticeably agitated on our February 2016 visits. Each student was thrilled to receive a kazoo
that Kim Cline sent for them. This was a perfect gift, as none of them had ever
before seen a kazoo, and they all enjoy participating in the music segments of
their day. Once we figured out how to explain you don''t blow to create the noise, the
kazoos were soon added into song accompaniments!
Tuesday evening, we were
privileged to join a weekly prayer meeting hosted in a home in a fishing
village right along the ocean, just 10 minutes drive from our hotel in
Moratuwa. 29 people attended, half of whom were children who all stayed through
the hour-long meeting. The meeting is led by a couple who both teach at Adara
Sevana. They also started a Thursday evening children's program in the village,
currently with 21 regular participants.
Wednesday evening, Gary spoke at
the weekly interdenominational service held in the same facility that is home
to Adara Sevana. He shared spiritual insight to the principle that we attain or
become like what we actually expend our time and focus on. For example,
spending notable amounts of time on social media feeds, TV, movies, etc,
results in our thoughts and perception of life being influenced by this
content. By the same principle, spending time with Jesus and ingesting the
content of His Word results in our viewpoints aligning more and more to His.
About 60 people came to the service; many requested prayer after the teaching.
As we prayed for individuals, it was wonderful to see in person that there is no
language barrier when it comes to prayer.
Our next clinics are in Thambalagamuwa, a village near the port city of Trincomalee,
on Sri Lanka's northeast coast. We'll keep you updated!
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