Monday, March 16, 2015


If you've ever attended Sunday School or Vacation Bible School you have probably sung this chorus that declares "... Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world."

We had opportunity to express His love to children at a small orphanage East of Hanoi, Vietnam.

Their parents died from AIDS, and the children are HIV positive. They appear to still be healthy, and hopefully with proper care will live long productive lives.

They are housed in a portion of a beautiful government owned complex. Even though the cost of their care and education is subsidized by the Government, some Christian people have received permission to visit with and minister to the children.

Because it was Saturday, there was no schedule for the day. The children were all gathered in an open hall.  Our team spent about two hours with them, playing games, doing crafts, telling stories. Gary and I made balloon animals which were all quickly adopted.

The team was able to purchase and deliver a water purification unit, to provide clean water for drinking and cooking.  Previously they had to boil the water to purify it and remove the bad odor.  We prayed and laid hands on each child, speaking a blessing over them.

It was a joy to visit these children, to let them know they are loved, that they are not forgotten. To speak hope into their young lives.

For the Least of These ...Gary and Pat

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