Seventy nine kilometers east of our home base of Siliguri, West Bengal India is the town of Nagrakata.
An eye glass clinic was scheduled. People were invited to come and tokens given out.
Throughout the day they came from varied socio-economic standing and religious beliefs.
Seventy-five people in all, mostly Hindus, Buddhist and new Christian believers. Fifty-nine people were given glasses. The church we work with in Nagrakata was recently started and is growing in attendance as local people hear about Jesus, and return to either accept Him, or to learn more. They meet in the street level shop of a traditional 'shop-house' where grain was once distributed.
Fifteen of these new believers are being discipled to take water baptism. This very public declaration of their faith is often the trigger for severe persecution from family and community.
The eye clinic was a strong outreach and sign of goodwill between the Christians and the community.
The weekend included a joy-filled Sunday church service where Gary taught four truths from the story of Jesus multiplying a little boy's lunch to feed five thousand. (John 6:1-32)
1. God knows what to do - and you don't.
2. Jesus will use anyone.
3. Whatever you have - thank God for it.
4. You can't out-give God
Monday was the Hindu Festival of colors called Holi. We held a Holy Spirit meeting where many of the people received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
This is our last week - how quickly the time has gone. We finish our time in India with a Friday evening Bible Study and Sunday morning service, before flying out to Bangkok for two days before coming home.
Gary and I are continually grateful for your love, prayers and support.
Jai Mashi - Praise the Lord! Pat
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