Noun - The extent or length of reaching out
It's hard to explain the experience of village outreach. Reaching out not just with human goodness - but with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Going beyond what we can offer in ourselves and becoming His hands and feet on the earth.
Delivering practical help - noodles to feed their family for a week, deworming pills. Bringing emotional strength - knowing that they are not forgotten - but cared for. Sharing spiritual truths - a short Bible teaching, songs and games with the children.
"When he saw the crowds, he was deeply moved with compassion for them, because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Matthew 9:36 ISV
Because you gave finances. Because you prayed. We are able to go. They are able to receive. God is glorified and His name is praised.
Thank you - for the least of these - Pat

Noun - The extent or length of reaching out
Verb - Reach further than
Synonyms - Transcend
Delivering practical help - noodles to feed their family for a week, deworming pills. Bringing emotional strength - knowing that they are not forgotten - but cared for. Sharing spiritual truths - a short Bible teaching, songs and games with the children.
"When he saw the crowds, he was deeply moved with compassion for them, because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." Matthew 9:36 ISV
Because you gave finances. Because you prayed. We are able to go. They are able to receive. God is glorified and His name is praised.
Thank you - for the least of these - Pat