Think about a time when you couldn’t see. Maybe you woke up in a strange room, it was dark outside, there were no lights on, so when you opened your eyes, you still couldn’t see. Or maybe like me you wear glasses or contacts, and without them you simply can’t see much at all.
Jesus talks about sight a lot; about ‘seeing’ in the natural and the spiritual. It’s one of the most important senses we have, and we use it every day without even thinking about it.
As we begin this new year let’s think about what we see. What’s around us now, what is behind us and what is ahead of us. We can’t change what is behind – but we absolutely can change what is ahead of us. I want to challenge you to see what God sees – and if you don’t think you can do that – ask Him to show you why not. What is blocking your vision?
When we conduct eye camps (clinics) in tea garden villages, most of the people have never been to an eye doctor, they simply can’t afford it. So as Gary puts different strength lenses in front of their eyes and asks them which is better, they often say, ‘ok’. That’s not an answer to the question - but they honestly aren’t used to having a choice. It takes some explaining by the translator to get them to understand that there is a difference, and they get to choose.
Then, there is no greater joy than seeing the huge smile that lights up a their face when the correct strength of glasses are placed in front of their eyes, and they can actually see to read, or thread a needle, or pick tea leaves, or look around and things are clear in the distance.
That’s how it is with our spiritual sight – we often get so used to where we are and what we are doing – should I dare say we get in a rut? A comfortable rut maybe, but is it really the best that God has for you? Or are you just accepting it? You hear someone say, ‘It’s a new year. New things from God. ' And you’re like, ‘okay – sure – whatever'. That's not the right answer.
The right answer is to cry out with all of our hearts, ‘Lord let me see what you see for my future, for my life starting today and every day.’ I challenge you – don’t settle. Don’t miss out on what God Almighty has for you.
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for those who love him - these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. I Corinthians 2:9-10 NIV
Eye vision clinics are a powerful way to show the love of Jesus in a practical way – it opens hearts and minds to receive the truth that Jesus loves them. The village church schedules church services on the workers' day off (Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the tea garden’s schedule). After each service, we did eye exams for 40 – 60 people, and gave eyeglasses to the ones who needed them. All were prayed for.
Click to watch this short slide show that helps to capture the experience of a village church service and eye clinic.
It’s an amazing experience. We’re incredibly blessed to be the hands and feet of Jesus. You have a part in each life that is touched – because you give financially, you pray, you encourage and support us as we go.
Christmas in India is all about sharing the story of why Jesus came. Watch this short video to share the joyful Christmas Celebration in a Tea Garden Village.
Our prayer for you, for today and for 2025: “ I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” Ephesians 1:17-18
To know Him better – this amazing God we serve. To really see the greatness of His power at work in your life. Take time to read the entire first chapter of Ephesians – read it out loud, let it penetrate your heart and mind and blow away the cobwebs of complacency.
In the middle of every challenge life throws your way: May your eyes be open to see Him who is above all, who loves you with an unfathomable, endless love, and Who is with you through the fire, through the water, through the storm. (Isaiah 43:2) You are never alone.
This Amazing Journey With God Continues ~ Pat and Gary
There was much rejoicing this week as Gary and I taught the second week of a 4-week discipleship course. The overall topic for the week was “Transformation”.
Joy was the overwhelming emotion as we saw Holy Spirit meet people at every level.
In class: Holy Spirit infilling with evidence of speaking in tongues, deeper revelation of spiritual gifts and fruit of the Spirit, and the power of Holy Spirit that is available to each of us. Challenging reminders that in this life we will have persecution - but Jesus overcame the world, and so can we.
During an evening meeting at a local church, we prayed for everyone there, and many miracle testimonies were shared. Including one woman who hadn’t walked normally for 20 years. After prayer she grabbed Gary’s hand and began walking back and forth in the room. Pain had left her body. Thank you Jesus!
The church gathers in a courtyard with concrete walls and floor, and tent-like fabric panels for a ceiling. Everyone was bundled up in jackets and scarves, sitting on thin mats covering the cold concrete floor, listening attentively as the word was shared in English and translated into Punjabi.
India is #11 on Open Doors World Watch List, which monitors countries whose government or primary religion is strongly opposed to Christianity. For everyone’s protection, we are careful not to share specific details of our location or to share our travels on social media.
Our prayer for you this Christmas is that you will receive a new, deeper understanding of Immanuel; God with Us. God with You.
You will be abundantly enriched in every way as you give generously on every occasion, for when we take your gifts to those in need, it causes many to give thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11 TPT