October is not normally thought of as a month of new beginnings – but for Gary and I, it’s the start of another adventure as we are back in our India home for the next eight months. Our flights from Las Vegas were smooth and uneventful. Four flights over 30+ hours, 12 time zones and the international date line – all make for a long journey. We left hot, dry weather and landed in hot, humid, rainy weather.
The monsoon season (also called rainy or wet season) is usually June through September but is lingering this year. It’s hard to understand how continual rains impact daily life until you see standing water in all low-lying areas, and realize the water simply has no place to go. We’re grateful the rains have been coming at night and the days are relatively bright.
Empty lot next-door - monsoon (rainy season) |
Same lot - dry season |
Hindus are celebrating one of their most important annual festivals called Durga Puja. Schools are closed, shop hours are varied, and many people take time off work to participate in this 10-day celebration. A local school yard has been converted into a temporary temple, loudspeakers on the street blast prayers and worship chants as worshippers in their holiday finery arrive for the festival. It's a reminder that less than five percent of this vast nation are followers of Jesus.
There is a sense of overwhelming gratitude in our hearts. Living overseas has been a long-standing desire and to finally see the reality is amazing. There is also an increased awareness of the power of prayer, and the value of the prayers of God’s people.
In September, after dinner at a friend’s house, she prayed for our trip, specifically for safety as we travelled. I had a deep revelation of the power of the prayers of God’s people. I will never take for granted the countless people who say ‘I or we are praying for you.”
It struck me that it was the prayers of God’s people, and the faithfulness of Almighty God that literally stopped the destructive plans of the enemy and spared Gary and I from serious harm this past summer.
At the end of an enjoyable day in Kalispell, Montana, we were heading back to the car when I tripped on a raised piece of sidewalk. One moment I was walking full speed ahead - then I wasn't.
Gary saw it happen in slow motion - but couldn't catch me. He breathed a prayer, 'Don't let her break anything'. He saw my sunglasses fly backwards, my head turn to the side, and I landed with my arm across my chest - not on my palms. Wow!
I just remember sort of 'coming to' and feeling a wave of pain. I was bruised, sore, and had a sprained toe - which still aches if I walk too much. But WOW it could have been really serious.
That same day we were crossing two lanes of traffic, and as we crossed the first lane, a van in the second lane blew through the crosswalk without stopping or even slowing down. If Gary hadn't stopped walking at the edge of the first lane, he would have been hit!
So yes - we believe in miracles and God's protection and are incredibly grateful for the covering prayers of God’s people. Every prayer, every expression of love, every gift of support is cherished. Our awareness of the eternal, spiritual is heightened.
May you personally experience the power of God in your life, your family, wherever you need a miracle.
The Journey Continues ~ Pat
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