Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Packing and Preparing

Eye glasses are sorted, labelled and packaged. Suitcases are almost ready to zip shut.  Tickets are purchased, passports current, visas secured.

And yet I find the most important preparation is inside of  my heart. 
Each time  I hear the worship song "Build My Life" on the radio, at church it challenges my heart.  

What am I building my life on. What am I filling my heart with.

Open up my eyes in wonder
Show me who you are

Fill me with your heart and
Lead me in your love to those around me

The lyrics challenge my heart and renew my resolve to fully allow the immeasurable love of Jesus to fill my heart and lead me. To not be lead by my personal desires, or societies expectations.

As we prepare to journey to Thailand and India this week, we appreciate your love, your prayers, your support.  Our prayer for you is that regardless of where you find yourself in life - that your eyes would be open to the wonder of our awesome God, and this would be your prayer:

I will build my life upon your love
It is a firm foundation

I will put my trust in your alone
And I will not be shaken

Join us on the Journey - Pat

1 comment:

  1. And yet I find the most important preparation is inside of my heart. Amen.
