Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sri Lanka Morning

We are safely back home, and mostly readjusted and recovered from jet lag.   There is still so much to share about our month in Sri Lanka. 

Sri Lanka is an island nation surrounded by the Indian Ocean. It has many gorgeous tropical beaches that attract a growing tourist market.

Several of our eye clinics were held in rural villages with no hotels. Beach hotels, however, were within an hour's drive, so we were blessed to return to a refreshing ocean setting after each day's eye clinics.

Early morning walks on the beach are a wonderful way to start the day, communing with the Creator of the natural splendor that surrounds us. Plus breathing in the refreshing ocean air and positive ions is quite energizing.

Wherever you find yourself today, may your day be blessed with the knowledge of your Creator God.
Blessings, Pat

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